Thursday 10 January 2013

Shooting List


Scene 1:

Shot 1: Pan of Polly walking into her bedroom LS (establishing shot)
Shot 2: MCU Polly looking into her mirror
Shot 3: LS POV of her bedroom pan
Shot 4: MCU Polly turns back round to look in the mirror
Shot 5: LS pan, Polly walks towards her record player and kneels down opening the lid
Shot 6: CU Polly's hand moving the needle on to the record player
Shot 7: LS Polly walking over to her bed and getting in it
Shot 8: MLS Polly closing her eyes and falling asleep
Shot 9: LS bedroom shot as she's visible in her bed
Shot 10: MCU Polly asleep as the cup beside her bed moves on its own
Shot 11: CU record player jolts
Shot 12: Polly still asleep as the music continues jolting MCU
Shot 13: CU zoom in towards Polly's eye

Montage (dream scene):
Shot 14: LS, tracking shot down Polly's street
Shot 15: MCU hand opening a door
Shot 16: CU bloody hand laid out on kitchen floor
Shot 17: Tracking shot down desolate beach as the tide comes in and out LS
Shot 18: Bloody knife falling onto a forest floor MCU
Shot 19: Anna's bedroom door slamming shut LS

Shot 20: Bloody males hands been washed in a 1970's sink CU
Shot 21: Anna smiling at the camera MCU to a CU
Shot 22: Black bin liner on the shore LS
Shot 23: Anna walking down the street and turning to look at the camera
Shot 24: John Ward sat on the sofa looking angry MLS
Shot 25: LS pan across the beach
Shot 26: MLS bloody sheets on Anna's bed
Shot 27: LS Anna in the hallway wearing a bloody dress
Shot 28: MCU white noise on the television
Shot 29: MCU The sea
Shot 30: Low angle shot of house, clouds rolling
Shot 31: Tracking in wooden secluded area
Shot 32: MCU Anna with blood on her face
Shot 33: Polly suddenly waking up

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