Thursday 8 November 2012

Influential Film Clips

1) The Ring - Gore Verbinski (2002)

The cursed video tape featured in "The Ring" is one of my influential media texts due to it been a montage, just like I want in my chosen sequence. The disorientation in the film is what appeals to me to use it as an inspiration. From this clip I have gained some ideas of using a shot of the sea and a forest, these also fit perfectly into my narrative as the sea is where John Ward abandoned Anna's body and the forest is where he discarded of the weapons used.

2) An American Haunting - Courtney Solomon (2005)

This clip is perfect for inspiration for the scenes in my film sequence were objects seemingly move on their own. As the protagonist in this film is also a teenager it gives me a further indication towards the type of clothing that is used in a film of this genre.

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