Tuesday 23 October 2012

Todorov narrative theory

1. Equilibrium 
Polly moves from the countryside into the suburbs into a new house. She quickly settles in.

2. Disruption of the Equilibrium
She begins to have violent and aggressive nightmares that seem to depict an attack in her very bedroom and house.

3. Recognition of the disruption
She soon discovers the objects from her nightmares in her house and makes a connection between the nightmares and something that must have previously happened in the house. She goes to her local library and conducts some research which leads her to discovering that a girl named Anna who used to inhabit her house went missing in the 1970's and the case was never resolved.

4. An attempt to repair the damage
Polly goes to the police believing that John Ward, Anna's father killed Anna. She tells the police that she believes Anna was buried on a beach.

5. New equilibrium 
The police reopen the investigation and discover that Polly was right and Anna's father who is currently in a mental home did in fact murder Anna and consequently the nightmares come to an abrupt end.

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